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Difficult Conversation Strategist

So, yes. I am Difficult Conversation Strategist.
I come with a deep understanding of workplace dynamics and conflict resolution.

My Big Why

Reflecting on my journey, I’ve come to the realization that reshaped my professional path: it’s not solely our diverse identities that challenge us but our collective struggle to communicate across those differences. The traditional DEI landscape, while well-intentioned, has too often become mired in a cycle of hyper-vigilance and critique, sometimes leading to the weaponization of terms and a fracturing of dialogue. This acknowledgment steered me away from being a DEI consultant to embracing the role of a Difficult Conversation Strategist.

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My Work in Action

Reflecting on my journey, I’ve come to the realization that reshaped my professional path: it’s not solely our diverse identities that challenge us but our collective struggle to communicate across those differences. The traditional DEI landscape, while well-intentioned, has too often become mired in a cycle of hyper-vigilance and critique, sometimes leading to the weaponization of terms and a fracturing of dialogue. This acknowledgment steered me away from being a DEI consultant to embracing the role of a Difficult Conversation Strategist.


The Education Behind My Approach

The foundations of my practice are deeply rooted in the education I received from Seattle University, where I was shaped not just by rigorous academic training but by values that have become integral to my work today. I earned my Master’s Degree in Transformational Leadership from Seattle University's School of Theology and Ministry, an experience that instilled in me a profound appreciation for the complex nature of personal growth and organizational change. My time in the School of Theology and Ministry taught me to see each individual as inherently flawed yet innately redeemable, a view that is central to my work in facilitating connections and healing after conflict.


My educational journey continued at SU as I earned a Doctorate in the School of Education, where I focused on developing a pedagogy of empathy and understanding. This advanced study honed my ability to craft strategies that help individuals and organizations navigate difficult dialogues with a spirit of redemption and collaboration. My academic background is a constant guide, helping me to uphold the values of shared humanity and mutual respect in every conversation I facilitate. As a Difficult Conversation Strategist, I blend these scholarly insights with practical techniques, empowering leaders and teams to transform conflict into constructive engagement and to forge stronger, more empathetic bonds in their professional and communal interactions.

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