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(G)race Equity® 
Organizational Culture Shift

Activating an organizational shift requires more than just surface-level changes. It demands a deep, introspective look into the very core of your organization to understand where the true potential for growth lies. If you’re ready to embark on a transformative journey, the first crucial step is conducting a comprehensive assessment to identify the focus areas that will drive meaningful change.

Grace-Fueled Transformation: Assessing for Organizational Shift


At the heart of our approach is the proprietary G(race) Equity Model, a pioneering framework that integrates the power of grace into organizational development. This model isn’t just a tool; it’s a philosophy that redefines how we envision progress and unity within a workplace. The G(race) Equity Model is designed to create environments where every individual feels valued, understood, and empowered to contribute to the collective success of the organization.

The (G)race Equity Model

The foundational pillars that guide our assessment and the subsequent strategies we develop:


Emphasizing kindness, forgiveness, and compassion in interactions, fostering a culture where mistakes are learning opportunities, not grounds for punitive actions.


Ensuring all members of the organization are responsible for their actions and contributions to the collective goals, reinforcing trust and reliability.


Building an environment of mutual respect where every voice is heard, valued, and considered in decision-making processes.


Encouraging the boldness to face challenges, advocate for change, and speak up against injustices, even when it’s difficult.


Equity: Committing to creating an inclusive environment where everyone has access to the same resources, opportunities, and support needed to thrive, regardless of differences in background, identity, or experience.

Why Choose Dr. Majors?


By centering grace in our work, we lay the groundwork for an organization not just to succeed, but to thrive in a way that honors the dignity and potential of every individual. The G(race) Equity Model enables us to approach organizational assessments with a holistic perspective, ensuring that the strategies we recommend are not only effective but also sustainable and aligned with the core values of equity, growth and grace.


Begin Your Journey Today

If you’re seeking an organizational shift that goes beyond the superficial and aims for deep, lasting change, let’s start with an assessment tailored to uncover the specific needs and opportunities within your organization. Together, we will pave the way for a future that is not only more equitable and successful but also profoundly human.





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